Tutorial rambut Autodesk Sketcbook via Android by Master Radit

Tutorial rambut Autodesk Sketcbook via Android by Master Radit

Tahap Pertama

Tahap kedua

Tahap 3.  Ikutin alur rambut asli nya

Tahap 4. atur Setingannya

Tahap 5. Setelah arsir pinggiran , lalu arsir tngah nya pakai tools ini

Tahap 6. Atur kembali setingannya

Tahap 7. Kasih warna terang pertama ikutin alur asli rambut nya

 Tahap 8.

Tahap 9. 

Tahap 10. Eraser buat mainin yg tak di ingin kan seperti ujung2 rambut yg ingin kita pangkas ,. Gosok secara perlahan , dan opcity rendah

Terakhir kasih warna terang di garis rambut sesuai terang asli nya

Terimakasih master Tutor rambutnya
Facebook : Radit Ya Radit

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2 Responses to "Tutorial rambut Autodesk Sketcbook via Android by Master Radit"

  1. The C version was, at the time, one of the most complex programs in that language to date. Autodesk even had to work with the compiler developer (Lattice) to fix certain limitations to get AutoCAD to run, and now, as one of the most expensive softwares on the market, AutoCAD is the most widely used for computer-aided design and is even taught in Universities.cheap Revit 2015
